The Sutherland Shire Gamers Club is a tabletop gaming club whose members regularly meet and play a range of miniature wargames, card games and board games. It is an activity of the Sylvania Heights Community and Youth Club.
The Club runs the following events every year:
- MOAB (Mother of All Battles) on the October long weekend at the Sylvania Heights Community and Youth Club
- ShireCon in May at the same location
- and on behalf of the Canberra Games Society the Second Hand Stall at CANCON in Canberra in January.
Regular meetings are held at the Sylvania Heights Community and Youth Club located on Box Road, Sylvania Heights, every Friday night from 6.30pm to around 11.30pm.
Members organise a game in advance via our Meetup Group or Facebook page. Visitors are always welcome, and are encouraged to drop in, walk around and have a chat. Members occasionally organise weekend games, and often, the club hosts a range of one day gaming tournaments – further details are listed in Events.

Games we play
The following list of games is a guide – please go to our MeetUp page Photo collection, or join our Club Facebook group, to see what is recently being played:
Historical Miniature Games
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- Bolt Action
- Chain of Command
- Black Powder
- AdlG
- Fire & Fury
- Hail Caesar
- Impetus
Non-Historical Miniature Games
- Battletech
- Blood Bowl
- Horus Hersey 30K
- Star Wars Legion
- Infinity
- Kings of War
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar
- Warhammer 40K
- Warmachine/ Hordes
- X-Wing
Board & Card Games
- Battlelore
- Blood Rage
- Imperial Assault
- Lords of Waterdeep
- Mythic Battles
- Rum & Bones
- Gloomhaven
- Zombicide
Being a member allows access to a wide variety of quality terrain to use for your game, as well as gaming tables, gaming mats, access to club rooms outside of Friday evenings, and access to our board game library. If you would like to join or have further enquires please email us.
Fees for 2024 are currently $50 per person which includes membership of the Sylvania Heights Community and Youth club.
Visitors are free.
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